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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Rambling on:-)

So! I suppose everyone who reads this has been waiting for the post holiday hiatus return! Well, here I am...
Christmas was nice, but a bit of a stretch--missed my kids and grand kids a lot. It always seems so sensible to stay out of the fray on the Vineyard where grands seem to have WAY more family than they can deal with. But next year I would like to mitigate MY blues by being on the Vineyard for Christmas..and maybe even New Years...:-). School of Rock may have supplanted Cat Ballou for Holiday videos. Anyone have others?
A busy day today..

But lack of babes has been replaced with an abundance of jess and Dave and Maris . Yesterday park walk and shopping for the guys: today Zatinya yum for lunch, Portrait Galley, and the M and I went to the Sp Museum--way too many people in line, but interesting once we got there. I think that M may mostly have been hoping for a fountain pen video camera, but G'ma wasn't going to subsidized that one...

Honest to God we are so lucky to live in the land of free museums.
The Spy Museum cost 45 mins of waiting in line and $34 for me and M ... Portrait Gallery and American Art Museum were free. Thank god for our tax dollars at work!

Fading.....happy new year if I miss you later. And whawt is the policy base for the quantity of arms we r selling to Iraq? Really? Aaarrrggghhh...

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Spoiler Alert: Political Rant

Actually serious question: why is the GOP so bent on destroying the presidency? Do they think they will never have the White House again? Do they really hate having 3 branches of govt so much? Do they really want to hold American citizens/ employees hostage? What is going on?
And at Christmas time? Aaaaarrgghh...

Sunday, December 18, 2011

A really good day:-)

A really good day is one when:
1) Newt Ginrich says he's going to arrest justices who don't interpret the law the way he does...
2) when you have brunch with good friends in your shiny new kitchen and your quiche pie crust is tender:-)
3) when it is in the low 40s outside but your house stays in the 60s even tho the furnace isn't working;
4) when your HVAC guys walk you thru fixing your furnace over the phone and it WORKS!!!
5) when a brunch friend has not only brought you cookies but sends you a USVI sailing contact!!

All fairly basic but adding up to a REALLY good day:-)

Saturday, December 17, 2011


This year we have asked various family where we could contribute in lieu of 'stuff' gifts in this year of struggle for so many. We also asked that the 'where' be the result of a family conversation. Here is one reply:

"The boys have a favorite charity but don't know if it fits the bill. They have a second local charity as well.

Their first choice is found at You probably know this one already -- kiva gives microloans for people to start mostly subsistence farms and businesses to support their families. Is this close to a child supporting charity -- or would you like the Seattle one the boys know and like?

They are really liking doing the research and talking out options. it's really cute.

Love and miss you."

More than cute! Love!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Mississippi Gulf Coast -- Defending The Gulf

Mississippi Gulf Coast -- Defending The Gulf

Post BP 1

Warning:The 1 in the title is because I can't promise this will be my only post BP spill rant...

If anyone within 6 degrees of separation can connect to the Surgeon General or Ken Feinberg, how about suggesting an INVESTIGATION of the possible health impacts of the spill? Honest to God -- NOT doing anything for folks because information is JUST anecdotal seems to be negligent at least. I would think an obligation to Public Health would demand investigating. And that investigation should include REACHING OUT, not waiting for people who may be frightened or unaware to come to doctors dependent on industry.

For background to this rant please listen to Segment C of the NPR piece I think I've published.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Livable Communities Forum

Livable Communities forum waaaay too stimulating:-)  Excellent speakers from Minnesota, Utah, Colorado, and Georgia -- different cultures with one goal.  Transit Oriented Development in southern Utah?  Who would have ever expected?  Public/private intercity bus in Washington state?
As a erstwhile lawyer/policy researcher I am fascinated in how STATE policy can enable livable community development.  I don't think it's ALL about authorizing money expenditures.  Anyone have thoughts?  Any "model" legislation?

 I ALMOST talked to local ACTION Montgomery folks -- might have resulted in obligation -- happily dodged it:-)  Glad to know that there are "villages" (senior villages?) in Montgomery County -- wonder how people who want to get one established find out about them.  Ahhhh, sharing information:-)

By the way, I do have obligations that I accept gladly: family, DH, tapestry weaving. Commitment to learning every day -- something:-)  Almost anything will do....

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


I just don't get it. I thought the Administration was back on track both policy wise and politically. So what is the HHS Secy doing denying the medically approved morning after pill to teens who are either too frightened or too naive or too poor or too spontaneous to get prophylactic contraception? Aaarrrggghhh... And what is Michelle doing using a Christmas mailing to raise money?? Aaaaarrrgghh....

Monday, December 5, 2011

Livable Communities

I'd love it if any of my blog reader/friends would post comments on what makes their community livable. What does being livable mean to you? Do you know of any efforts in your community to make it more livable?

I worked on transportation aspects of livable communities when I worked for AARP. My perspective now is shaped by being a traveling retiree. Here are a couple of examples of when I have thought, "wow! I'd could live here!"
Lunch today in downtown Rockville--could have eaten at least 5 different ethnic foods, went to a gallery like store, went to an artists' studio, could have walked to the library (anchor for the town square). And a grocery store is going in right across from the town square! And I could RENT. And walk to the movies! You go , Rockville!!
(if only our grandchildren lived nearby it would be perfect...)

Grands do live in or near south end of Boston. Walkable (can't say it's drivable), apartments, theater, restaurants, parks, all within walking distance. And community gardens. And decent taxis.

Too long a blog, but I would love to hear from you!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

The last of a certain generation

I learned today that my mother's 1st cousin died, just short of her 98th birthday. I had visited her a little over a year ago, at her home where she lived with assistance. Although frail and short on memory she was charming, and took a great interest in what was going on in our lives and the world outside the confines of her frailty.

I am very sad for her passing, even if she had reached the fullness of her years. For me, she represented my last connection to my mother, who died in 1969. We had not been in direct contact but somehow we picked up in conversation where we had left off 30 years before. I am sad that I did not ask her questions about what she knew about my mother's childhood. It seemed too intrusive. And more importantly, in that conversation a year ago, we were both very focussed on the moment.
Perhaps my feeling is best summed up by her answer to my question of how long she and her husband, who died a few years ago, had been married. She thought for a moment and then said, "I don't remember, but not long enough."

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Happy to be home!

We are HOME! With no plans to travel until January! What a delight to walk in to our new kitchen and rearranged living room and feel that both are JUST RIGHT (it's only taken the living room 7 years:-)
Lovely day in Boston on Aurora's 1st birthday. How amazing that first year of life is, from rag doll dependency to avid exploration. And how lucky we are as grandparents to watch our grandchildren grow:-) I am so grateful!

Post Facebook

Well, I've decided I've pretty much had it with FB. I'm not worried about FB privacy and stuff. I just don't feel like I can write what I'm interested in writing -- or what anyone is interested in reading. On the other hand, I do like the ease of staying connected through FB. So, I'm going to post the title and link for my blog posts and any of my FB friends who want to see them are welcome:-). They may be updates and pretty mundane, or they may be 'deep'. Or, given the state of the world, they may be rants:-). Rock on...